Production Journal: Old Pitch (discarded one)

Villegas: Talent, Researcher.
Espina: Writer, Cameraman.
Oleksuk: Editor.

Quilmes: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, teenagers…

What’s the story?

Through the streets of Quilmes, more and more teenagers of less age are abusing of illegal substances, illegal for their age, and illegal in a worldwide way.

Why we are doing it?

We chose this subject because we feel a part of it, and we experience or have contact with similar situations in a regular way. This concerns us, so we thought it would be a good idea to communicate the reality of what is actually happening, to inform a public about it. Also, we have accessibility to the subject, contacts we can talk to, interview, etc . Also, we have accesibility to reliable sources related to the theme.

How we’ll do it:

We’ll do this by trying to involve reality in our production to the greater extent as possible, to transmit a real and actual situation in a crude way, which impacts a public and transmits an effective idea emotionally.

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